Teflon tape

    (PTFE - polytetrafluoroethylene)


The versatility of Teflon tape as an invaluable ally in restorative dentistry is undeniable. Its benefits make it ideal for multiple uses in the various disciplines of dental practice:
- Barrier material in adhesive dentistry 
- Inversion and sealing of rubber dam when needed
- Eliminating sub-gingival cement lute stagnation
- Protecting implant abutment screw heads during sealing of screw access channels 
- Barrier between the access cavity and the root canal system and more


In this article, we would like to highlight its advantages during impression when a rolled piece of tape is adapt approximately 1 mm subgingivally to imitate the position of the cementoenamel junction (CEJ).
This prevents excess impression material from flowing into the sulcus and also allows total control of the margin depth throughout the 360ยบ of the tooth. The insertion of the PTFE tape helps the clinician to determine the exact depth of the finish line and the emergence profile of the restoration. In this way, we achieve a well-defined and homogeneous margin, which is the goal of any impression technique.


The main advantage of Teflon tape is that it is very malleable. It can be inserted deeper into the sulcus depending on where the clinician wishes to place the margin of the restoration. PTFE is highly compressible and can also be modified in horizontal thickness if required. It can also be used to clearly mark the interproximal gingival sulcus, which is very difficult to reproduce with impression materials. When using a conventional impression technique, silicones reproduce its position with great clarity. The scanner can also digitally identify the position marked by the PTFE tape with great accuracy.

Teflon tape is more flexible than retraction cord due to its modular design, with different thicknesses and layers in a single piece of tape.