Terms & Conditions


This Public Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the 'Agreement') determines the procedure for the services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data, as well as services for providing access (activation of access) to the package (complex) of materials (online lessons / online videos) provided to individuals and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the Services), as well as mutual rights, obligations and the relationship between the T4D s.r.o., Company ID No. 19324707, with its registered office at Slavicka 1153/1, Kosire, 150 00 Prague 5, registered in the Commercial Register maintained at the Municipal Court in Prague under File No. 384764 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor' or 'T4D'), represented by MUDr. Ales Koudela, on the one hand, and the Services Customer, on the other hand, who accepted the public offer (offer) to conclude this Agreement.


1. Basic concepts and definitions used in this agreement

1.1. For the purposes of this offer, the following conditional terms and definitions are used in the following meaning:

Agreement - an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor for the provision of the services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data, as well as services for providing access (activation of access) to the package (complex) of materials (online lessons), and other services provided to the Customer Contractor, which is through payment (acceptance) of the offer.

Offer - this document, public agreement. The publication (placement) of the text of the public agreement on information stands is a public offer (offer) addressed to a wide range of people with the aim of providing certain types of services. A fact confirming the conclusion of a public agreement by the Customer of services is its payment - acceptance.

Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer through the implementation of the actions specified in clause 3.5 point 3 of this Agreement. Acceptance of an offer creates an Agreement.

Services for the search, selection, processing and sorting of data - services, as a result of which the Customer is provided with information material in the field of dentistry using the global computer network Internet using the portal https://tricks4dentists.com (hereinafter referred to as the portal).

Services for providing access (activation of access) to the package (complex) of materials (online lessons) - providing the Customer access to packages of online lessons listed on the portal.

Customer - a legal entity or an individual, an individual entrepreneur who has applied to the portal, having the intention to use the Services, has paid for the offer and is a consumer of services under the concluded Agreement.


2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Services to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to accept the Services and pay for it’s in the manner and on the conditions specified by this Agreement.

2.2. The list of Services that can be provided under this Agreement, the dates for the provision of the Services and other conditions that determine the procedure for the provision of the Services, as well as other information that is essential for the provision of the Services, is posted by the Contractor on the portal.

The exact time of the beginning of the provision of the Services is communicated to the Customer to the email address specified by the Customer when registering on the portal.

2.3. The Contractor reserves the right to change and / or supplement the terms of this public offer unilaterally, adjust the current price lists for services, introduce new Annexes and Additions to this Agreement. The text of changes and / or additions to this Agreement or its new edition, as well as other changes is brought to the public by the Contractor by publishing the text of changes and / or additions to this Agreement or its new edition, as well as other changes on the portal and comes into force from the moment of publication.

2.4. The customer is obliged to independently check for changes on the portal. Continued use of the services after notification on the portal about changes in the current terms of this Agreement, its Annexes and other changes is considered as the consent of the Customer with the changes and additions made.


3. Payment of the Offer and conclusion of the Agreement

3.1. This Agreement is a public agreement, in accordance with which the Contractor undertakes to provide Services in relation to any persons (Customers) who apply for these Services.

3.2. Placing the text of this Agreement on the Contractor’s portal is a public offer (offer) of the Contractor addressed to any consumer (indefinite number of persons) - the Customer (Customers) to conclude this Agreement.

3.3. The conclusion of this Agreement is made by joining the Customer to this Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions and reservations.

3.4. The Customer fills out the registration form posted on the website https://tricks4dentists.com. The registration form completed by the Customer is the basis for invoicing (link) for payment. 

3.5. A fact confirming the acceptance by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement is the payment by the Customer of the Services in the manner and on the conditions determined by this Agreement.

3.6. This Agreement, subject to compliance with the procedure for its payment, shall be deemed concluded in simple written form in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe.

3.7. This Offer is valid in that edition and on the conditions that existed at the time of its payment.


4. Features of services

4.1. The service is considered to be provided from the moment the information material is provided to the Customer in the following ways: video presentations.

4.2. In case of failure to provide the Service for video presentation through the fault of the Contractor, the period for the return of funds is within 60 calendar days from the date of application. In the event of emergencies of an international scale, as well as for other reasons related to the onset of force majeure, the period specified in this paragraph for the return of funds paid by the Customer may be extended.


5. Features of services for providing access (activation of access) to a video platform

5.1. The Contractor activates the package of online videos paid by the Customer after sending the payment.

5.2. Access is automatically extended for another period according to the current price list from the date of creation. The price per year and month is determined according to the current price list and is billed once a year.

5.3. The exact list of materials (online videos) to which the Customer can be accessed is posted on the portal.

5.4. If the following payment is canceled or the account is canceled during the year, this agreement is considered unilaterally terminated at the initiative of the Customer. In this case, the provision of services is terminated, access to the materials is closed, and the Customer switches to the standard conditions for acquiring access to the materials on the portal.

5.5. The price of services for providing access (activating access) to a package (complex) of materials (online videos) is determined depending on the access to the package of online records that the Customer chooses, based on the tariffs listed on the portal.

5.10. If the Customer purchases a service for providing access (activation of access) to a package (complex) of materials (online videos), the Customer is warned before payment about the automatic debiting of funds and the possibility of canceling it. By paying for the specified service, the Customer accepts the terms of its automatic renewal.

Payment for the service of providing access (activation of access) to a package (complex) of materials (online videos) is debited annually, depending on the selected package of online lessons. At the same time, the Contractor is not obliged to send the Customer notifications about the upcoming debiting of funds for the next period. The customer can at any time refuse to automatically write off funds by initiating subscription cancelation in his personal cabinet or by contacting technical support on the website https://tricks4dentists.com. Cancellation will be made within 24 hours. The amount paid for the service of providing access (activation of access) to the package (complex) of materials (online videos) for the period in which the refusal was made is not refundable to the Customer.


6. Cost, procedure and terms of payment for Services

6.1. The cost of the Services provided in accordance with this public offer is determined on the basis of type of services chosen by the Customer and is indicated on the portal and (or) in the invoice for payment (link to the payment). The cost of the Services is indicated taking into account all necessary taxes.

6.2. The cost of the Services under this Agreement is paid by the Customer on the basis of 100% prepayment through bank cards using the Internet services available on the portal.

6.3. All expenses of the Customer associated with the transfer of funds to the Contractor are borne by the Customer.

6.4. The Contractor assumes the obligation to provide the Services only after receiving of the payment from the Customer.

6.5. The Contractor has the right to independently determine the prices for the Services and change them in accordance with applicable law. The changed prices for the Services are valid from the moment determined by the Contractor. Paid Services are provided by the Contractor in full, regardless of changes in their prices.

6.6. Automatically renewing customer's annual membership ensures that account remain available and that you maintain access to membership benefits. You can change this setting any time in your account. By checking and clicking the Purchase button, I give permission to T4D to automatically charge the default credit/debit card associated with my ID to renew my membership, subject to the following:

  • It’s be billed on a basis based on actual price list. Taxes may apply.
  • Can be cancel automatic renewal at any time.
  • If T4D changes the membership price, customer will be notified of the new price by email.
  • If the payment for membership cannot be transacted for any reason, T4D will not process automatic renewal and will notify with instructions on how to manually renew membership.


7. The procedure for the acceptance of services rendered

7.1. The provision of Services to the Customer is not accompanied by the drawing up of an act of services rendered.


8. Rights and obligations of the parties

8.1. The Contractor has the right:

8.1.1. Unilaterally make changes, additions to this Agreement, about which the Customer is considered duly notified, from the moment of posting the amended version of the Agreement on the portal;

8.1.2. attract third parties to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, as well as use the services / work of third parties that provide the opportunity to provide the Services provided for in this Agreement;

8.1.3. To postpone the provision of the Services, having previously notified the Customer no later than 3 (three) days before the start of the provision of the Services.

8.1.4. Make minor changes to the program for providing the Services.

8.1.5. Demand compliance by the Customer with safety regulations, rules of respect for the property of the Contractor and third parties;

8.1.6. in case of damage by the Customer to the property of the Contractor and / or third parties, to demand from the Customer compensation for the damage in full.

8.2. The Contractor undertakes:

8.2.1. To provide the Customer with Services in the amount and within the time agreed by the parties to this Agreement

8.2.2. by posting on the portal to provide the Customer with reliable information about the Services provided, the program and how they are provided (duration, venue, etc.), terms of payment for the Services and other information necessary as part of the execution of the terms of this Agreement;

8.2.3. Not to disclose confidential information and data provided by the Customer in connection with the execution of this Agreement;

8.2.4. immediately notify the Customer about the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that may affect the volume and quality of the Services provided by the Contractor;

8.2.5. comply with the terms of this Agreement.

8.3. The Customer has the right:

8.3.1. Demand from the Contractor the proper provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement.

8.4. The Customer undertakes:

8.4.1. Provide the Contractor with all the information and data necessary for the Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement.

8.4.2. Make payment and in the case of purchasing by the Customer of the service for providing access (activation of access) to the package (complex) of materials (online videos), independently track the automatic write-off of funds for the automatic extension of access.

8.4.3. If necessary, sign the act on the provision of services within 5 (five) business days from the date the Act is provided by the Contractor and send it to the Contractor by mail or electronic communication channels. If the act on the provision of services is not challenged by the Customer within 5 (five) business days from the date of its provision, then it shall be considered signed by the Customer.

8.4.4. Not to disclose confidential information and other data provided by the Contractor in connection with the execution of this Agreement.

8.4.5. Comply with safety regulations, respect for the property of the Contractor and / or third parties, behave respectfully towards other participants in the events, and avoid actions that create danger to others;

8.4.6. in case of damage by the Customer to the property of the Contractor and / or third parties, to compensate the damage in full;

8.4.7. not to record, copy, distribute and transmit to third parties the materials provided to the Customer by the Contractor during the provision of services under this agreement.

8.4.8. comply with the terms of this Agreement.

8.5 If the Customer is considered to be a consumer pursuant to Czech legal regulations, the Customer is entitled to withdraw from the Agreement within 14 days after payment of the Service, without stating any reason whatsoever. However, the above shall not apply if pre-requisites have been met for impossibility to withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to Section 1837 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Civil Code”). As a result, no withdrawal can be made if the Customer has already used the Service or any part thereof. A letter of withdrawal shall be sent by e-mail to the Contractor’s contact address specified at the end of these Terms and Conditions. In case of a lawful withdrawal from the Agreement, the already paid price of the Service may be requested to be refunded by an e-mail sent to the Contractor’s contact address specified at the end of these Terms and Conditions.


9. Complaint procedure

9.1 As regards any claims arising from defective services, the statutory provisions of the Civil Code shall apply. The Customer’s consumer rights shall in any case remain unaffected.

9.2 Unless the Contractor complies with the duty arising from the concluded Agreement properly and in due time, the Customer may complain about the Service. The complaint shall be made in writing (by e-mail) without undue delay, however, within no more than 3 months after the date of the provision of the Service or if no provision of the Service has taken place, after the date when the Service was to have been provided.

9.3 The Contractor undertakes to take a decision with regard to an accepted complaint immediately, however, within no more than 30 days. However, such period shall not include a time appropriate by virtue of the kind of the Service necessary for a specialist assessment of the defect (for example, preparation of an opinion by a physician or pharmacist).

9.4 After expiry of the period, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the concluded Agreement or receive reduction in the price of the Service.

9.5 The Contractor will issue the Customer (consumer) with a certificate indicating when the complaint was made, what the content of the complaint is and what method of handling the same is required, as well as confirmation of the date and method of handling the complaint and, should the complaint be rejected, the Contractor will also issue written justification for such rejection.


10. Responsibility of the parties

10.1. In case of violation of the terms of this agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Czech Republic, taking into account the features established by this Agreement.

10.2. The Contractor is not responsible for:

10.2.1. Damage caused to the life and health of the Customer through his own fault in case of non-compliance with safety regulations at the time of the provision of the Service and for any harm to health of third parties on the grounds of action done by the Customer based on the videos posted on the portal, with the carrying out of the action being conditional on required education in the relevant field, which fact the Customer hereby acknowledges;

10.2.2. inconsistency of the actually provided Services with the subjective expectations and representations of the Customer about such Services;

10.2.3. harm caused to life and health through the fault of third parties, including damage received from third parties who took part in the activities of the Contractor.

10.2.4. the quality of technical support, for the functioning and maintenance of the means of communication (communications) of the Customer;

10.2.5. failures in the provision of access to the Services, which occurred through the fault of telecommunication service providers and suppliers of software used by the Customer;

10.2.6. correct application (use) of information by the Customer;

10.2.7. the impossibility of providing access to the portal due to the technical features of the computer, communication and other systems of the Customer;

10.2.8. the reliability of analytical information posted on the portal, as well as for possible losses of the Customer or third parties arising from its use.

10.2.9. how the Customer used the information obtained during the provision of the Services and the results of its use by the Customer.

10.3. The Contractor’s total liability under the Agreement, for any claim or claim in respect of the Agreement or its performance, is limited to the amount of payment paid to the Contractor by the Customer under this Agreement.

10.4. The Contractor reserves the right to block the Customer’s access to the portal to receive the Services under this agreement without a refund if the Customer violates the terms of this agreement.

10.5. The customer undertakes to use the materials to which he is provided with actual access, exclusively for personal information and informational non-commercial purposes, to comply with the terms of this agreement, not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Contractor.

10.6. The Customer guarantees that when using the portal, he will not create copies of the portal, sell or resell the right to access it, distribute (publish, post on Internet sites, send e-mail, copy, transfer or resell to third parties) for commercial or non-commercial purposes information and materials provided to the Customer, create information products on their basis, as well as use the information and materials in any other way, except for personal use.

10.7. In case of misuse of the portal and (or) materials posted on it, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a fine of 3000 (three thousand) euros for each case of misuse.


11. Duration of the Agreement and the procedure for its termination

11.1. This Agreement is considered concluded from the moment payment for the Services by the Customer and is valid until the parties fully full fill their obligations.

11.2. The Customer unconditionally agrees that in case of receiving the Services under the agreement, as well as in the cases provided for by cl. 7.2. clause 7 of this Agreement, he loses the right to demand from the Contractor the return of the amounts paid to pay for the Services, or other reimbursements, even if the validity of these Services has not yet expired.


12. Dispute Resolution

12.1. In the event of a dispute between the Contractor and the Customer at the time of cooperation under this contract, the Parties shall aim to resolve the dispute in an amicable manner.

12.2. In case the Parties fail to resolve a dispute arising out of this contract amicably, it shall be a subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the Czech Republic; therefore, courts in the Czech Republic shall have jurisdiction by reason of the matter and location of the dispute. In compliance with Section 89a of Act No. 99/1963 Coll, the Civil Procedure Code, the District Court for Prague 5 is the court of first instance having jurisdiction by reason of the location, with the Municipal Court in Prague being the court having jurisdiction by reason of the location in cases where the relevant Regional Court is a competent court for the first instance proceedings.

12.3. In the event that any of the conditions of the Agreement loses legal force, is declared illegal, or is excluded from the Agreement, this does not entail the invalidity of the remaining conditions of the Agreement, which will remain valid and are binding on the Parties.


13. Personal data and their use

13.1. The Customer gives his consent to the Contractor to process his personal data provided upon purchase of the Services under this agreement and during registration on the portal. The Contractor controls personal data of the Customers in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the 'GDPR').

13.2. Processing personal data means recording, systematizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, changing), extracting, using, transmitting (distributing, providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, destroying personal data that do not fall into special categories for processing which, in accordance with the current legislation of the Czech Republic and the GDPR, the written consent of the Customer is required. The list of personal data is indicated in the privacy policy of https://tricks4dentists.com/privacy-policy.

13.3. The processing of personal data is carried out in order to fulfill the Contractor's obligations under this agreement, provide the Customer with feedback when using the portal, training programs, video courses, as well as to send it to the Customer specified during registration (purchase of Services) email address of information and advertising messages.

13.4. The customer may at any time withdraw consent to the processing of personal data by sending a notification t4d@tricks4dentists.com. At the same time, the Customer understands and acknowledges that recalling the processing of personal data may require the removal of any information relating to the participation of the Customer in the training program, including the removal of the Customer’s account on the portal and termination of access to materials purchased through the Services.

13.5. The Customer gives his consent to the use of his image as a photograph of the Customer (avatar) by the Contractor free of charge.


14. Copyright protection

14.1. The portal from which the sale of the Services or the direct provision of such Services is carried out contains the results of intellectual activity belonging to the Contractor, its affiliates and other related parties, representatives, all other persons acting on behalf of the Contractor.

14.2. Using the portal, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that all the contents of the portal and the structure of its contents are protected by copyright, the right to a trademark and other rights to the results of intellectual activity, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, on all media and in relation to all technologies, both currently existing and those developed or created subsequently. No rights to any content of the portal, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, text and graphic materials, trademarks, shall be transferred to the Customer as a result of using the portal and concluding this agreement.

14.3. When quoting portal materials, the Customer agrees to provide a link to the portal.

14.4. For copyright infringement, the Customer is responsible in accordance with actual agreement.

14.5 By consent to these Terms and Conditions, the Contractor hereby grants an unlimited, non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use the Portal. The license is granted for the duration of the contractual relationship between the company T4D and you under these Terms and Conditions and relates to any updates of mobile application, unless such update is connected with a separate license, to maintenance or free upgrades of the Services. The license shall automatically terminate when you cease to use the Service. You are only allowed to use any content of the Service throughout the term of and in compliance with the license.

14.6 Thus, as part of the license to use the portal, you are not allowed:

  • to modify, reproduce, translate, distribute, publish the Service and its content, and also create or use any derived works, communicate to the public or otherwise make use of or uttilize in any manner whatsoever the name or designation of the Services and their content;
  • to sell, grant sub-licenses of, lease, lend or distribute the Service or any intellectual property rights therein in any other manner or otherwise make the Service available to any other parties;
  • to use the Service or access thereto contrary to any laws in force, intellectual property rights and/or personal rights of third parties;
  • to use the Service or access thereto in a manner threatening the safety or functionality of the Service or for any purpose or in any manner not explicitly permitted in these Terms and Conditions;
  • to create, gather, transfer, store, use or process the Service in a manner violating any law or infringing or otherwise abusing intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, including any moral rights, privacy or publicity rights;
  • to make reverse engineering, alterations, de-compilation or disassembly of the Service or any parts thereof or any other attempt to ascertain the composition or properties of the Service;
  • to encroach on or disrupt the Service;
  • to remove or hide any warnings or notices concerning ownership rights in the Service, including any notes about the brand, copyright, trademarks and patents or notices concerning any patent proceedings under way;
  • to access the Service or use it for the purpose of creating any similar or competitive product or Service or conduct vulnerability or penetration testing or any other similar testing of the Service.


15. Other terms of the Agreement

15.1. The parties unconditionally acknowledge the legal force of the text of this Agreement. The Agreement is governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.

15.2. This Agreement shall remain in force in case of a change in the details of the Contractor, changes in its constituent documents, including, but not limited to, changes in the owner, legal form, etc. The Contractor has the right to transfer the rights and obligations under the Agreement to another person.

15.3. The parties unconditionally agree that silence (the absence of written notifications of termination of the Agreement, or of disagreement with certain provisions of the Agreement, including with a change in Tariffs) is recognized by the consent and accession of the Customer to the new version of the Agreement.

15.4. The Party shall not be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement if it proves that their proper fulfillment has become impossible as a result of circumstances arising after the conclusion of the Agreement that were unavoidable under the given conditions (force majeure): natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc.), accidents and disasters, epidemics, wars and hostilities, civil unrest, strikes, blockades and embargoes, terrorist acts, forced expropriation all or a substantial part of the assets side, the normative legal acts.

15.5. If any of the above force majeure circumstances directly affected the fulfillment of the obligation within the time period specified in this Agreement, this period shall be proportionally extended for the duration of the relevant circumstances.

15.6. If force majeure takes place for more than six months, either party has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by sending a written notice to the other party.

15.7 These Terms and Conditions are effective as of 01.01.2024.


16. Details of the Contractor

T4D s.r.o. (Tricks4dentists) Registration No. 19324707

With its registered office at Slavicka 1153/1, Kosire, 150 00 Prague 5, registered in the Commercial Register maintained at the Municipal Court in Prague under File No. C 384764


Bank account:

  • IBAN: CZ77 0300 0000 0003 2501 8348 (EUR)
  • Bank name: CSOB a.s.
  • Bank address: Radlicka 333/150, Prague, ZIP CODE 150 57, Czech Republic, Europe
  • Account number: 325018348/0300 (EUR)



Email: T4D@tricks4dentists.com